A pele que habitam

Pedro Henrique Neschling pode ser considerado, dentro do que os padrões determinam, como alguém cheio de privilégios: homem branco heterossexual, cisgênero, magro, filho de artistas bem-sucedidos…


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Do You Love You?

Be Honest. Speak Your Truth.

Pixabay Free Picture (Self Love)

I Love Me.
Badge of authenticity.
Morning dew kisses leave on a tree.
Found within me that beauty.

I’m not alone.
Spirit has grown.
Creator lies within.
Renews a soul soiled in sin.

Lust is easy to find.
The trick of the mind.
When I hated myself.
This mantra was fine.

Eyes opened.
Will not drunk dial, hit send.
I was lost never broken.
Now I’m found, too outspoken.

I had to find the love inside.
Find love, I tried.
Until I was able to love myself.
How could I love anybody else?

I pray you will find the masterpiece within.
Don’t have to justify the rotten.
When you find your soul renewed.
You will wonder what you were trying to prove.

Thank you for reading. If you liked what you read above, please see one below. Forever Grateful:

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